To be an officer one must be a member of STARFLEET The International Fan Association and be primary affiliation to the Aurora Vulcanus. In other words, we get to use your membership number with the mother organization.   This referred to as a SCC number, which you receive when joining STARFLEET.

With your STARFLEET membership you receive the Communiqué, which highlights Star Trek / Space information. You will have the opportunity to earn a rank and take courses from the STARFLEET Academy. The FLEET is also involved in many Community Service activities from the Stampede to scholarship funds. We conduct 'Away Missions' to regional summits, cons, and other events where you can interact with other Trek fans. The Aurora Vulcanus won 1997 Regional Chapter of the Year. Our publication has earned several Regional Newsletter of the Year awards as well as a Starfleet Award for 2005.  We were awarded Mothership of the Year for Fleet in 2006 and 2008. 

With primary membership, you chose a position from our departments, create a character, and move up the ranks. Most start with the rank of midshipman until membership requirements have been completed. Transfers of rank from former Fleet chapters are accepted with documentation.  If you can take pdf files, there are no dues.  The membership also entitles you to access to our yahoo club. Here we chat about Science Fiction and story writing. We house back issues of our newsletters and other publications in the file section.  Chapter information is sent by way of the group’s list.


For information on the Aurora Vulcanus e - mail us and we will mail out our membership packet.  This contains information with a general write about our chapter, instructions on how to design a character, and departmental position listing.  You use the contact box on the left. 

Thank you for your interest.  Live Long, and Prosper,

Robin Woodell-Vitasek Commanding Officer